Download the blocks plugin from wordpress
Download from, from your own WordPress admin, or if you want to look like an elite-command-line-hacker-genius to impress us plebes, you can clone our source code from GitHub.
At COVERT NINE, we love building websites that make our clients better digital marketers. Our themes are block-based, which makes it easy to build sites for yourself, your friend’s band, or for a small restaurant in your hometown. That means you can spend more time figuring out how to do better marketing instead of figuring out how to update your website. The best part is, they’re all free, but only if you’re on the early access list.
Subscribe for early access, get the goods sent directly to you, and we’ll only email when we have something worth sending. (Maximum of two emails per month)
With the release of WordPress 5.4 comes new enhancements to the Gutenberg editor, new markup, and full screen editing by default. C9 Blocks v1.0.8 accounts for all of these changes, and cleans up full width alignments that were causing some issues on our responsive C9 Grid blocks.
We’ve changed the layout of the Reusable Blocks modal (Seen above.) to use full width previews and a single, scrollable row of icons for your saved templates, making it easier to preview your saved block layouts.
This release of the C9 Blocks plugin also comes with updates to our three demo themes: C9 Starter, C9 Music and our newest theme, C9 Work. Find out more about them below.
new C9 Blocks demo content
This plugin release includes updated markup for all of the landing page templates that come with the plugin, and an easier way to preview Reusable Blocks.
C9 Blocks 1.0.8 changelog
- Fixed display bugs in admin with full-width inner container elements
- Updated Videos page template for easier compatibility
- Improved layout support for grids and columns in Microsoft Edge + IE11
- Improved mobile page editing experience in the WordPress admin
- Improved alignments for alignfull and alignwide block layouts for built-in and C9 Blocks
- Updates to core blocks code for deprecated functionality
Download our Gutenberg-Powered WordPress Themes for free

C9 Starter Theme
To show off the flexibility and design patterns of C9 Blocks, we created a simple theme called the C9 Starter Theme. It combines the best of WordPress’ popular starter theme _s (Underscores) with the power of modern build tools like NPM and Gulp. Best of all, our theme and plugin suite works seamlessly with the new Gutenberg editor, so you’ll always be in compliance with the latest WordPress trends and best practices.
The theme is fully responsive for all devices with the help of Bootstrap and CSS Grid. You can download all of our themes by signing up for our early access list.

C9 Music Theme
To show off the power of C9 Blocks with the C9 Starter Theme, we’ve created a free Gutenberg-powered single page theme called the C9 Music. It sports GreenSock animations on navigation links with the help of ScrollMagic, and has support for WooCommerce so you can sell shredded heavy metal t-shirts to your most loyal fans.
You can download C9 Music by signing up for our early access list, which emails you everything you need to use our themes or better yet, to build your own Gutenberg-powered themes.

C9 Work Theme
This is our latest Gutenberg-powered WordPress theme, and it’s called C9 Work. It features a mega menu, as well as full WooCommerce catalog support. The theme will be free for users subscribed to our early access list, and has customized Gutenberg styles for paragraphs, C9 Grid blocks, C9 Container blocks, and image blocks. There’s also additional support for Gravity Forms, and a search field in the main header navigation of this theme.
The entire site is powered by Bootstrap’s responsive grid framework, CSS Grid, and the C9 Blocks plugin.