Covert nine’s “just fix it” Policy
We whipped up a policy, we whipped it real good.
What kind of things do you “just %$#&ing fix?”
For our hosting and maintenance customers:
Projects can be big and projects can be small, but there’s one thing that all small business owners can relate to: how often minor website issues go unresolved for weeks on end, festering into real problems.
These initially small issues frequently require only a few minutes of tinkering to fix, so there’s no need to call the entire IT team just to “click a few buttons.”
For example, Google Search Console issues we will fix no questions asked. The errors you’ll find are sometimes the type you’ll pretend you never saw and sometimes they can be safely ignored. Send over a support ticket and we’ll take care of it.
Have an error related to your little HTTPS lock icon? Or an error message from WordPress? Is the site speed a little slower than normal? How about a nitpicky visual issue someone’s kid found on their phone. All of these are examples of things of things we’ll just fix.
It may sound weird to you, but we do in fact look at and keep a close eye on all of our client sites. We use automated tools to scan sites for malware and actually visit your site to make sure it’s fast and loading correctly on all devices.
And finally, we have a full list of plugins supported by our “just fix it” policy.
Outside of WordPress, you fix other things?
We built websites from scratch. We design them. We code them. We launch them. We activate digital marketing campaigns for them. We’ve learned a lot in our fifteen years, and that means we know how to fix problems like these:
Measuring ROI from digital marketing
Repairing SEO issues
Getting visible in Google Maps
Cleaning out websites infected with malware