Build a Netflix-inspired landing page in WordPress with C9 Grid blocks, video posts and even an auto-playing background video without sound
Follow along in this screen recording to learn how to build a landing page of video posts in the latest WordPress block editor using C9 Blocks and the C9 Starter theme. The final landing page template features an auto-playing background video like you’d find on the Netflix app to entice users to watch your featured video link button. (The only difference being, our background videos will be muted by default whether you use an uploaded video file or a YouTube link. Because HOW DARE YOU NETFLIX.)
In the video, we’ll use all that C9 Blocks has to offer, including saved or reusable block templates, C9 Grid blocks, C9 Posts Grid blocks, and plenty of settings to customize the background and spacing of the grid items.
You can find a template just like this one in your existing Page Templates library that comes with the C9 Blocks plugin. Click on the feather icon in the upper right-hand corner, and then click on the Page Templates button you see in the C9 Blocks plugin sidebar. (You can also set your theme colors to use in any of our blocks from this plugin panel.)